My first babe was a newborn over the Christmas period. I was very excited to show off this long awaited bundle of joy. But in doing that I probably pushed myself too much physically and emotionally.

I now know what I know, & if I had my time over I would try to put some more things in place, so I could have honoured & treated my fourth trimester more seriously.

So if you have a newborn at this time here are a few tips and tricks you may want to try.

πŸŽ„Pick your really want to go to events/activities to attend & the ones that feel energy draining. Spend your limited amount of energy attending those and say a β€œno not this year” to the other events. NO is your friend.

πŸŽ„Finances can be tight at this time of year. But I would still encourage you to outsource support-meals, cleaning, doula. Maybe family can contribute to these things as gifts to you.

πŸŽ„Warming, nourishing & regular food & drink is crucial. It will help milk supply, recovery, energy levels & mood. Enjoy all the treats too as they will boost your oxytocin but just try & remember easily digestible food. Your digestive system is not at full speed yet.

πŸŽ„Finding space & opportunity for rest is so important. Ask your host where you can rest/have your feet up. Ask people to bring food/drink to you. Put in strong boundaries with your bedtime, and taking a nap even at a function held at someone’s house.

πŸŽ„Baby wearing & feeding are your allies. Both of these can be used to keep baby with you & away from grabby hands. BUT… if you are feeling touched out, utilise the extra people around to have a break from holding baby.

πŸŽ„The festive season is not just about the kids happiness. Mothers deserve to feel joy as well. You are also processing a lot right now too! So try & prioritise doing things that fill your cup & make you 😁

I hope all the newborn mothers have a beautiful & special first Christmas with there little babes. It really is an exciting time.

I am taking bookings for postpartum doula care for 2023. I am doing some meet and greets this week! Which would mean potentially being booked out until April. But if you are keen to know more than please get in touch and we can make time to chat!


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