(Your GP likely doesn’t know all these options either).

We all know how over worked our medical system is right now. There are fab General Practitioner’s out there, but it’s hard for them to keep on top of all the fantastic supports available in our community.

So if you, or someone you know, is looking for support and need more options then read on!

Mental Health Care Plan

The one your GP will know about! A mental health care plan referral can be made by a GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician for treatment of mental disorders. You get 6 sessions, then need to get another referral for 4 more sessions, per calendar year.

The professionals who can see with a mental health care plan are:


-Social Workers

-Occupational Therapists

(Don’t rely on your GP to know WHO to send you to, do some research & take a name of who you want to be referred to.

Non-Directive Pregnancy Support Counselling

Non-directive pregnancy support counselling is not well known about (GP’s can get confused when requesting this). It can be used to provide support around issues like- infertility, pregnancy/infant loss/abortion, birth, postpartum, anxiety/depression/grief, parenthood challenges etc.

To be eligible for Medicare rebate you need to be currently pregnant, or have been pregnant in the preceding 12 months. This includes women who have experienced pregnancy/infant loss/abortion.

You get 3 sessions per pregnancy. It can be provided by:

-Social workers


-GP or medical practitioner

-Mental health nurse

Get a Referral (not a mental health care plan) by a GP/Medical practitioner to access this.

Chronic Disease Management Plan

You may be able to get Medicare rebated allied health if you have chronic or terminal medical conditions. These medical conditions need to be present or are likely to be present for 6 months or longer or are terminal. Eligible patients can use 5 services per calendar year.

The 5 services may be either:

-one type of service, E.g. 5 physiotherapy services

-a combination of different types of services, E.g. one dietetic and 4 podiatry services.

Patients are eligible for these allied health services if their medical practitioner has completed both:

-a General Practitioner Management Plan (GPMP)

-Team Care Arrangements (TCAs).

Other mental health/allied health supports

If you have used up all of your Medicare rebated options for support it may be worth exploring some of these options:

-Your employer (employee assistance program)

-Counsellors (check experience & qualifications). They are often priced lower as no Medicare rebates.

-Private health insurance

-Relationships Australia

-Mental health hubs. Call or drop-in for free mental health support for Victorians


-Phone hotlines such as: PANDA, Red Nose, Pink Elephants, Beyond Blue, Lifeline, Parentline, Gay & lesbian switchboard plus many more…

I provide Non-Directive Pregnancy support counselling Medicare rebates.

You can see me and get a rebate with a referral from your GP if you meet the eligibility for non-directive support counselling.

I CANNOT use mental health care plans!

You can keep working with me after your 3 Medicare rebated sessions, at the full fee of $170. I keep my rate lower to compensate for those that are not Medicare eligible. There is also a 5 package deal which lowers that rate further!

I currently have availability in Seaford, Frankston & via Telehealth.

If you are ready to feel like you again then let’s get chatting!

New clients can book in via email me:


Current clients can book in via: https://www.amamaisborn.com.au/counselling-and-mentoring/

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